Leadership & Communication Course

Leadership & Communication Course

In this Leadership & Communication Course, you’ll identify the kind of leader and communicator you are meant to be. With this clarity and confidence, any imposter syndrome or doubts you may have will disappear.

Great for Business Owners, Teams, Executives, Sales Professionals, and Managers!


Find yourself able to create and restore team member harmony under any circumstance.


Communicate with a new level of

impact and effectiveness. 


Manage teams to be effective in performance with less stress.

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I want to start by saying thank you from the bottom of my heart for the lessons you've taught me on how to communicate better with my fellow co-workers and also at home. 

I know that I'm using what was taught because the communication with the staff and at home have greatly improved over the past month +. Communication with the crews have drastically changed to where the guys willingly come up to me and talk now. Everything you have taught us, I will be using in my life everyday and try to make myself a better person. Thank you again for teaching me new ways to communicate and feel comfortable in any situation.


February 2024 Team Training Participant

Leadership & Communication Course

This virtual 2-hour each session course takes place over six weeks. Where you will gain structures and tools to replace old patterns with new leadership practices. Then through practice, experience a dramatically increased effectiveness in leadership situations where you may have previously been ineffective. Cost $350.

Interested in the course for a team or 1 on 1 coaching?  Go to the registration or contact Coach Gary at gary@keygrowthcoaching.com.

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